
Premium Community Servers

Counter-Strike 2 Deathmatch at WarmupServer is live ! ! !

Hosting Deathmatch Servers since 2016! Free for all!
Join and play with Legends, Pros and other serious players. Follow our X/Twitter account like many LEGENDs for news. See you on the server.

The FFA-DM shots in this video are done by Ignacio meyern Meyer.
The music in this video is from Dimatis. The song is named Seeker.

FPS Update
(released 2024-11-28)

- better general client performance

- special FPS-Boost
   - check if it is activated via  !fps
   - required setting:      r_player_visibility_mode 0
New Workshop Addon
(released 2024-11-28)

Assets for -= WarmupServer 2.0 =-

 - new 3d-Logos for the sky
 - MultiCFG sounds are back


[LEGEND] & [PRO] are reserved tags. [PRO] slots are not for free, you still need an order. The [LEGEND] tag is for Major participants. Please check out the details.