North America | Rankings |
Single Server | Historical from 2024-05-01 |
[CHI] Headshot Only
The amount of Globalpoints you can win at this server are representing the skill and popularity level of this server. The amount is adjusted each season.
Rank | Player (incl. link to his/her profile) | Collected Gl.Points | Kills | Final Score | Filter |
1 | Evangelion Unit-24 | 88 | 894 | 4 338 | F2P User |
2 | DoinkDiglett | 63 | 983 | 4 109 | F2P User |
3 | Clayton | 53 | 888 | 4 036 | F2P User |
4 | El Chupacabra | 48 | 982 | 4 010 | F2P User |
5 | Riperino | 44 | 986 | 3 946 | F2P User |
6 | Phoggie | 40 | 634 | 3 832 | F2P User |
7 | TheHoneyInspector | 35 | 648 | 3 603 | F2P User |
8 | Dreadnet | 32 | 1 103 | 3 528 | F2P User |
9 | 1 | 29 | 758 | 3 432 | F2P User |
10 | -jBa | 26 | 1 055 | 3 408 | F2P User |