Europe Rankings
Full Region Alltime
Collect Globalpoints by reaching the Top100 of any server at end of the season!

Ranks and Score will be restarted at this point and Globalpoints are credited. The Globalpoints you can win at a server are representing the skill and popularity level of a server.

(incl. link to his/her profile)
Collected GlobalpointsTop100 Kills# T100
1 Demho 20 329 188 189 12 VIP
2 XANTARES, 16 330 200 973 12 LEGEND
3 lollipop21k 14 246 218 241 12 PRO
4 Beccie 13 456 145 817 15 PRO
5 sSenNn+_? 10 996 180 728 14 PRO
6 kr1stilio 10 701 160 208 9 VIP
7 nuera 10 695 230 078 10 VIP
8 PPPPPP 10 535 122 943 12 VIP
9 Cr4sh 10 469 99 986 10 VIP
10 001 9 972 148 300 11 PRO
Last Updated at 21st Jan -- 13:39 UTC