North America Rankings
Single Server Historical from 2024-10-01

[CHI] Headshot Only

The amount of Globalpoints you can win at this server are representing the skill and popularity level of this server. The amount is adjusted each season.

(incl. link to his/her profile)
Collected Gl.PointsKillsFinal Score
1 lumboco 177 6 116 18 645 F2P User
2 Dom Daddy 128 2 446 14 610 F2P User
3 s0meth1ng 106 2 131 12 439 F2P User
4 FragIT 97 1 827 12 224 F2P User
5 L4zzi 89 1 787 12 170 F2P User
6 c0 80 1 939 11 965 F2P User
7 indy 71 1 942 11 865 F2P User
8 dany fucking baron 64 2 016 10 907 F2P User
9 LoafCat 58 1 108 10 220 F2P User
10 FellerYeller 53 1 213 10 100 F2P User
Last Updated at 3rd Dec -- 17:09 UTC