Europe Rankings
Full Region Alltime
Collect Globalpoints by reaching the Top100 of any server at end of the season!

Ranks and Score will be restarted at this point and Globalpoints are credited. The Globalpoints you can win at a server are representing the skill and popularity level of a server.

(incl. link to his/her profile)
Collected GlobalpointsTop100 Kills# T100
381 HauS- 1 986 58 099 5 F2P User
382 cairne 1 983 43 639 6 PRO
383 Ka1ser Edu 1 976 95 536 5 VIP
384 doni 1 973 60 639 7 VIP
385 maddin 1 967 54 507 9 VIP
386 nihilist 1 962 51 285 7 VIP
387 floO_iwnl 1 943 27 675 9 F2P User
388 s0und 1 933 49 723 6 PRO
389 SETANOL 1 923 45 558 4 VIP
390 Skipid DAS BOOT 1 919 66 548 15 F2P User
391 PhyraN 1 917 20 770 4 F2P User
392 r3dVirus 1 916 21 322 18 F2P User
393 adamb 1 908 57 889 7 PRO
394 dreamz 1 905 19 618 3 F2P User
395 Zura 1 904 43 627 6 VIP
396 R6 1 900 24 951 9 F2P User
397 Same Old Me 1 900 81 792 6 PRO
398 Diviiii 1 899 40 282 8 VIP
399 L00m1 1 887 56 540 6 PRO
400 TheLuca 1 885 50 338 5 VIP
401 pkrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 1 883 45 214 7 VIP
402 Gopster 1 878 30 237 5 VIP
403 NATION4K 1 865 38 908 3 VIP
404 Leo 1 863 33 004 7 LEGEND
405 n3onl4mpe 1 860 43 142 9 VIP
406 oreo 1 843 32 805 5 F2P User
407 Player 1 841 66 706 6 PRO
408 Gr33n 1 840 15 983 4 F2P User
409 btk 1 832 53 773 6 VIP
410 bluewh1te 1 832 47 151 7 PRO
411 Trouzz 1 830 30 010 5 F2P User
412 smsmsm 1 826 66 913 5 PRO
413 ICON 1 825 50 293 5 LEGEND
414 1985 1 821 36 959 9 VIP
415 Emil 1 818 38 967 6 VIP
416 speedy 1 818 11 204 1 VIP
417 deeque 1 817 55 313 5 VIP
418 RBV 1 817 28 219 17 F2P User
419 misutaaa 1 814 61 538 6 PRO
420 Hyouma 1 814 42 407 2 VIP
Last Updated at 15th Mar -- 06:39 UTC