Europe Rankings
Full Region Alltime
Collect Globalpoints by reaching the Top100 of any server at end of the season!

Ranks and Score will be restarted at this point and Globalpoints are credited. The Globalpoints you can win at a server are representing the skill and popularity level of a server.

(incl. link to his/her profile)
Collected GlobalpointsTop100 Kills# T100
451 mattwell 1 696 54 668 7 VIP
452 LenovoMonitor 1 694 37 186 8 VIP
453 S3NSEY 1 690 44 873 5 PRO
454 Mystery. 1 689 40 770 3 VIP
455 r1tmo 1 689 24 950 10 VIP
456 tobz 1 688 90 455 13 F2P User
457 kuro 1 683 28 126 9 F2P User
458 Arielek 1 679 18 314 2 F2P User
459 to 1 678 30 132 4 PRO
460 000 1 678 23 815 4 F2P User
461 Fredstar 1 677 84 221 8 VIP
462 xeedo 1 675 26 026 4 VIP
463 loomit 1 673 36 786 6 VIP
464 r3salt 1 673 36 912 3 PRO
465 Teelz 1 673 22 530 8 F2P User
466 skejs 1 670 21 115 3 PRO
467 cN~ 1 669 60 185 7 F2P User
468 Shlyaperson 1 668 39 837 4 VIP
469 En☹︎1D 1 666 126 783 14 F2P User
470 PCP enjoyer 2009 1 666 20 926 8 F2P User
471 ALTID PHRISK 1 664 28 475 4 VIP
472 Sn1p3z 1 663 47 454 6 VIP
473 ELF0k 1 659 60 830 6 VIP
474 FireLegends 1 658 49 071 4 VIP
475 murder spagurder 1 656 5 765 1 F2P User
476 onenineninethree 1 656 55 285 9 LEGEND
477 NozeeM 1 653 40 163 5 F2P User
478 woozzzi 1 649 79 522 8 PRO
479 Flicky 1 646 35 031 5 VIP
480 XyLuGaHxX 1 644 26 426 6 F2P User
481 youngbutwrong-ss- 1 642 49 283 6 LEGEND
482 1 638 44 009 12 F2P User
483 Floca 1 636 26 554 3 VIP
484 ✪ Owned 1 635 20 303 5 F2P User
485 subaru 1 633 54 771 7 VIP
486 sssss 1 633 29 311 7 VIP
487 bJ0RK- 1 632 33 129 4 F2P User
488 SIGMA BOY 1 632 23 805 2 VIP
489 h4gel 1 629 20 071 6 F2P User
490 Spammy 1 624 49 336 8 F2P User
Last Updated at 15th Mar -- 18:39 UTC