South America Rankings
Single Server Alltime Summary


Collect Globalpoints by reaching the Top100 at end of the season!

The amount of Globalpoints you can win at this server are representing the skill and popularity level of this server. The amount is adjusted each season.

(incl. link to his/her profile)
Collected GlobalpointsTop100 Kills# T100
1 Sosats ☢ 33 313 1 F2P User
2 snk 29 398 1 F2P User
3 cazie 25 280 1 F2P User
4 bnardu ' 23 179 1 F2P User
5 ★ K31j1 21 397 1 F2P User
6 Galo Revoltado 20 116 1 F2P User
7 DOBLEMM 18 1 598 3 F2P User
8 ☣️Leo☣ 18 458 1 F2P User
9 FROST 18 187 1 F2P User
10 A B I G A I L 17 1 241 2 F2P User
Last Updated at 21st Dec -- 16:09 UTC