South America Rankings
Single Server Historical from 2024-10-01

Dust2 23 MultiCFG™

The amount of Globalpoints you can win at this server are representing the skill and popularity level of this server. The amount is adjusted each season.

(incl. link to his/her profile)
Collected Gl.PointsKillsFinal Score
1 Asta 211 4 725 23 994 F2P User
2 Okpis 152 4 158 19 559 F2P User
3 Maca 127 3 463 19 345 F2P User
4 你會哭嗎? 116 3 465 18 585 F2P User
5 foxall 105 3 234 18 443 F2P User
6 mousou express 95 1 759 12 651 F2P User
7 r1sing 84 2 146 12 196 F2P User
8 Dic Vigarista 76 1 631 11 839 F2P User
9 JHOOOOOOWWWWzin J < 70 1 392 11 788 F2P User
10 knark 63 1 762 11 529 F2P User
Last Updated at 21st Dec -- 11:09 UTC