North America Rankings
Single Server Historical from 2024-11-01

[DA] Dust2 23 MultiCFG™

The amount of Globalpoints you can win at this server are representing the skill and popularity level of this server. The amount is adjusted each season.

(incl. link to his/her profile)
Collected Gl.PointsKillsFinal Score
1 Kay 2 258 14 863 61 535 VIP
2 Alchemy 1 626 17 393 55 754 VIP
3 Fat Ginger Amish Du 1 355 18 488 50 899 VIP
4 z 1 242 11 675 50 110 F2P User
5 HexT 1 129 11 266 50 040 PRO
6 :) 1 016 13 627 50 006 VIP
7 janatan 903 33 757 49 698 VIP
8 cart 813 21 948 47 320 VIP
9 crablicker58 745 12 903 47 251 F2P User
10 JESTER 678 9 530 46 877 VIP
Last Updated at 12th Dec -- 01:39 UTC