Europe Rankings
Single Server Historical from 2024-12-01

London MultiCFG

The amount of Globalpoints you can win at this server are representing the skill and popularity level of this server. The amount is adjusted each season.

(incl. link to his/her profile)
Collected Gl.PointsKillsFinal Score
1 slamon 78 5 365 18 727 F2P User
2 jdk 56 4 082 16 796 F2P User
3 shiine 47 2 473 13 740 VIP
4 JoLC 43 1 905 12 910 F2P User
5 plug walk 39 2 068 11 773 F2P User
6 Load_Rip 35 1 748 10 853 F2P User
7 Comrade 31 2 140 10 836 F2P User
8 28 1 535 10 609 F2P User
9 knee 26 1 499 10 484 F2P User
10 Ferreiraz27 23 1 079 9 632 F2P User
Last Updated at 22nd Dec -- 10:39 UTC