Europe Rankings
Single Server Alltime Summary

Dust2 19 MultiCFG

Collect Globalpoints by reaching the Top100 at end of the season!

The amount of Globalpoints you can win at this server are representing the skill and popularity level of this server. The amount is adjusted each season.

(incl. link to his/her profile)
Collected GlobalpointsTop100 Kills# T100
1 FROCER 1 128 26 138 7 F2P User
2 CtrlZ. 1 072 30 500 4 F2P User
3 (**CLARK**) 1 022 37 880 7 F2P User
4 OL 682 16 596 7 F2P User
5 J0d 595 22 737 8 F2P User
6 iikkv 568 10 695 2 F2P User
7 TheX 481 8 411 2 F2P User
8 Noop^^ 452 11 773 3 F2P User
9 dOPi 445 15 494 8 F2P User
10 DOG 428 21 368 8 F2P User
Last Updated at 21st Jan -- 16:09 UTC